Imminent Domain

Quick Information

Extracting information takes time.

Creating and presenting information also takes time.

The market of information is full of contradictions. But producers and consumers of information often want different things.

Sometimes you need information quickly...Sometimes you need more details.

Quick information often leaves out details.

These details sometimes make a big difference, but other times they don't really matter.

The same is true for those creating information. The tension between brevity and completeness is always there.

Is it too much detail or not enough detail?

The information age has made it easy to add more and more detail. Compliance rules have also added complexity to the mix. ( See terms and conditions statements that people often sign without even reading.)

Technology could provide a path for resolving this tension, but most information systems are not designed to reconcile this.

Information demands time. Information is infinite. Conceptually, time is infinite too, but it is definitely finite for individuals.