Imminent Domain

In Bad Form

Nobody likes forms. This is a multidimensional problem.

Some forms are hard because it is a pain to get the data. (Looking at you CSS Profile form.)

Some forms are difficult to fill out because of poor design or lack of clarity of the information needed.

Some forms are difficult because the format is not designed to be filled out inline (most PDFs online ever).

But even after you get over the hurdle of filling out forms, it is not always clear what the value of the data is.

Is the information correct? Is this the information that you really needed? Did you collect information for various demographic profiling purposes.

Data is a funny currency. Its value is very much tied to time. At a certain point old data loses its value. The email list that is haven't used in 6 years doesn't have a lot of value.

Being more thoughtful about data is critical method to deal with information overload.