Imminent Domain

Communication Failures and Flow

Communication breaks down. It always breaks down.

Synchronous information sharing is problematic. Clarity of communication and assuring that everyone involved is working with the same interpretation of the goal

Asynchronous information sharing is also problematic. While everything might be written down, there is still a good chance for things to be misunderstood and misinterpreted. It is more difficult to ask questions and get responses in a timely manner.

While waiting for answers is not necessarily a bad thing, a huge queue of things waiting for answers starts to build up.

If you have a system for managing these queues, it is not necessarily a bad thing. However, information doesn't necessarily flow in the same priority of your queues.

How do you make choices in that situation? Do you work on low priority items because you have the information now? While that seems logical on the surface, it may hinder your ability to get higher priority items done when you do have the needed information.

Too much task switching breaks flow. Too much waiting for information breaks flow.

Finding that balance is a true challenge and information systems are not necessarily able to make the right trade off for you.