Imminent Domain

Appetizing Information

Is the number of apps on your phone a proxy for the information complexity in your life?

I have over 160 apps on my phone. And I rarely use any of them.

Installing an app is pretty easy to do and there isn't that much downside to it.

However, I am not sure that there is that much upside to do them either. Apps tend to simplify things by reducing options and complexity, but they are focused on the most common activities that don't always accommodate exceptions.

But when you find that you have more than 100 apps on your phone have you really reduced information complexity?

I don't know that it is any worse than tracking hundreds of web pages and bookmarks on sites with varying degrees of complexity.

People all process information differently. It is an interesting challenge because we want people to see the same things and be on the same page. But we also want people to see different things.

Apps tend to homogenize information which makes it more digestible, and somewhat blander.